
Data Security

Keep your device secure at all times and protect your valuable business data from fraud or abuse. Your device may be in the wrong hand, it may be stolen, and consequently it has the risk of wiping your device's data. Shoot them all and release your deep breath with the features of Global Setting.

Location Search
App Management

App Management

Silently manage all the applications remotely through the air and feel the magic. Allow or restrict the apps according to your business policy to secure or protect your devices.


Track the movements of your end-point Android devices (tablets, smartphones). For front-liners and employees who work in remote locations, device location tracking in real time can be helpful to improve management as well as security. Don’t let your enterprise assets out of your sight. Be the eagle to have an eye on them.

Location Search
Browsing Barrier

Browsing Barrier

Stop unauthorized browsing and access from managed end-point devices. Enhance your device’s battery health and limit your browsing access to optimize data consumption.

Remote Cast

Save your on-site time and costs with Mobionizer's Remote Cast feature. Launch Remote Cast on end-point devices to perform the set of actions remotely. Just mirror the managed device screen and avert the need for a physical visit to provide virtually troubleshoot and device issues.

Remote Cast
App Management

Content Sharing

Push content files like image, video, audio, notice, presentation, AV, doc file to your remote workforce and front line employees and keep it safe by enforcing security.

Multiple Enrollment

Onboard your Android device management into the system to get started controlling and managing them remotely by using Mobionizer (mdm). It is easy to enroll the devices in bulk and individually through QR Registration, EMM Enrolment, and IMEI Enrolment.

QR Registration

Device Info

Organize all devices by group, sub-group, and profile for easy management, such as Marketing > Sales > National > Regional > City/Town, and so on.

Device Group
Home Ground

Control & Monitor

Empower your IT team with an eagle’s eyes and allocate them their designated role. Set the role of admin and let them monitor your field force from behind.

Report Generate

No more hassle or waiting for comprehensive reporting for mobile device management. Power your IT team with analytics and reporting and let them generate extensive reports on device performance and usage.
